Education Your Way



My name is Rebecca Harrison and I am a wife, an ex teacher and a mother to two sons.  My oldest son C is 9 and has a diagnosis of autism and adhd.  At 5 years old C’s then mainstream primary school said they could not meet his educational needs and informed us that a SEND school would be a better placement for him.  As C had an EHCP, we thought this would be a straight forward process. We were wrong.  C was becoming very stressed at his mainstream primary school. It was during Covid and everything felt very chaotic.  So we withdrew C from his mainstream primary school and with support from our local authority started applying for places at SEND schools in our local area.  Fast forward 4 years into the future and we have visited over 43 SEND schools and most of them tell us in a roundabout way that they “have no room at the inn”.  Due to this my son has been given an EOTAS package by our local authority who employ tutors to educate him.  

I am very passionate about creating the right resources to educate SEND children and for parents and carers of SEND children to be empowered to understand the SEND system.  I am also very invested in supporting professionals in education to provide the right educational materials to support the needs of the SEND children that they are educating.

I will be soon launching the SEN Home Ed platform, where for a monthly subscription fee, both educators and SEND parents & carers can access webinars and learning materials to support their SEND children. 

In the meantime, I will be blogging about SEND, highlighting grants, books and days out for SEND children and young people and writing about topics which affect SEND.  

My aim is to support SEND young people, children and parents and carers have a voice and for the vulnerable youngsters they care about; to get the education they are entitled to, in a world where we seem to be forgotten and overlooked.